1. You hear about us from any source ( patient testimonials, Whatsapp broadcast, Facebook, Instagram, google search, TV, radio, flyers, etc)
2. You made up your mind to visit the clinic
3. You sign in your name at the security post
4. You are guided to the Receptionist.
5. The Receptionist guides you to the Nurse’s Desk
6. The Nurses guide you to see the Consultant or the MD for a free Consultation. This helps you to know whether you will want to access our treatment or not before any financial commitment.
7. You made up your mind to register and access our treatment.
8. The Consultant/ MD gives you a registration form which you take back to the Nurse’s Desk for registration and vital signs
9. You will make payment for registration. You will also make payment to run our bioscan test ( when necessary)
– Single card N3,000
– Family card N4,000
– VIP card (single) N15,000
– VIP card (family) N25,000
– Bioscan test to detect the cause of health challenges is N50,000
10. You go to the bioscan room for the test. It is a non invasive test.
11. You wait for about an hour for your result to be ready ( You may also choose to go and come back for your result.
12. Your result is ready and you are invited to the Consultant’s office for results analysis.
13. Your treatment plan is written based on your result. Here we take your specific blood group into consideration while writing your treatment plan.
14. You collect your treatment plan, make payment and start your treatment.
– Our treatment protocols include the use of both oral herbal/ natural medications as well as the use of therapeutic devices.
15. You access your treatment which last for a specified period of time. Thereafter you free yourself from the disturbing health challenges.
16. You are invited to carry out a second bioscan test ( after treatment) to be sure all affected organs are now in their normal functioning range. Thus confirmed, you go forth and spread the good news to others.