The Bioscan device is a medical diagnostic device certified by the Russian health authority. It operates on the principle of Bioresonance mechanism and is used for medical diagnosis in countries like Russia and Japan.
A patient wears a headset and holds electrodes, which connects them to the device. The diagnostician selects the organs to be checked, and the device scans them automatically, taking approximately 15-20 minutes depending on the number of organs selected. The diagnostician then analyzes the scan and prints the result.
The Bioscan machine can reveal:
Yes, the Bioscan machine is safe for human use. The Nigeria Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA) has verified that the device does not pose any radioactive threat and is safe for use.
No, Living Spice Nature Hospital does not give injections for Malaria as natural approaches are used to achieve the same result.
Living Spice Nature Hospital treats most diseases as long as they are found in the human body, as the hospital aims to uncover the underlying problems and guide the patient towards recovery.
Physical presence is not required for all cases. For those who have already been diagnosed, test results can be sent for perusal, and the appropriate medications will be recommended based on blood type. However, visiting the clinic offers the advantage of a Bioscan test for a more accurate diagnosis and identification of the root cause of the disease.
Yes, Living Spice Nature Hospital offers distance healing for those who are not resident in the same city as the clinic. The patient can send the required information via WhatsApp the required for treatment.
We guide people to the recognition of simple natural laws that protect against evil attacks.
Our medications are rooted in nature and have been proven to be highly effective with the grace of the Almighty. Each medication is carefully selected to meet the specific needs and conditions of the individual. For example, two individuals may have the same health condition such as diabetes, but they will not necessarily receive the same medication. This is because no two individuals are exactly alike, including differences in blood presentation, and thus their medication must be tailored to their unique circumstances.